My Useful Links


Journal-KU, Library, ASR, AJS, ARS, SF, RSSM, AEA Journals, JSTOR, Google Scholar,
Google Maps, Bing Maps, Naver Maps, Weather,
Wikipedia, Dictionary, Empas Eng Dic, Google Dic,
Using R, Quick-R, R WikiBook, UCLA-Stata, Stata-WikiBook,


Personal Site, KU My Page, KU-Sociology, KU,

AI Tools

Chat GPT, DeepL Write, Trinka, Paperpal,
Literature Map, Connected Papers, Inctieteful-Lit Connect, Elicit,


New York Times, Washington Post, The Atlantic, Wired, WSJ, CNN, LJ World, Scientific American, Slate, Economist, Chronicle
Hankyoreh, KyungHyang, OhMyNews, Pressian, SisaIn, Yonhap News, JoongAng, DongA, Chosun,
HanKook, Seoul, Blue Roof, Pado,

Blog, Community, and Polling

Twitter, Sovidence-KR, Sovidence,
Contexts, Lane Kenworthy, scatterplot, OrgTheory, Andrew Gelman,
Economist's View, Project Syndicate, Paul Krugman, Brad DeLong, Dean Baker, Robert Reich, Marginal R, VoxEU,
Stanford Ineq Center, Pew Research, Gallup, Polling Report, Real Clear Politics, Huff Post, Pacific Standard,


Gmail, Calendar, KTUG-wiki, Gifrun,

Entertainment, Shopping

ESPN, MLB, NFL, Craigslist, Amazon, GORP,